Sunday, May 15, 2011

Three Sisters Planting

We heard about the "Three Sisters" planting from a few of our friends, and decided to give it a try this year in one of our SR Raised Gardens.

The "Three Sisters" planting consists of corn, beans, and squash, all interplanted to complement each other.  The corn provides a pole for beans to climb up, and the bean adds nitrogen to the soil.  Squash creates a "living mulch" that helps soil moisture from evaporating.

Find out more about the planting, including a diagram of how to plant them, on the Renee's Garden seed site.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Bonsai update

Our bonsai are flourishing in all of the late spring rain we've been getting here in LA.  Here's an update on our pomegranate bonsai that we posted a couple of months ago. What a difference a few months makes!